
Hardin-Simmons strives to provide student involvement opportunities within a healthy and vibrant campus experience. This is accomplished by developing 社区-minded leaders and creating diverse and inclusive programming while helping students establish life-long relationships.

许的电子竞技 目的是促进电子竞技, 竞争和随意, 通过俱乐部, 校内的, 并与其他学院竞争.
军刀 军刀是PG电子官方免费下载校区最古老的学生活动委员会. 成立于2008年, 军刀成为了学生活动的代言人, 领导了许多HSU的传统和社会活动. 通过参与军刀, 学生们学习如何计划, 做广告, 为他们的同学举办活动. 成为一名军刀, 你必须通过学生活动领导小组有领导经验, 并参与我们的会员申请和面试过程.
α Iota Omega Our purpose shall be to promote and develop Christian sisterhood, and to encourage and 支持 HSU.
δ The purpose of δ Social Club shall be to cultivate an awareness of the need for finesse and refinement in every social situation; to make through social relationships a contribution to the spirit of the University and to promote school loyalty; as well as instilling a sense of leadership through participation in all activities of the organization.
Kappa Phi Omega Kappa Phi Omega is a men’s social club dedicated to providing a club for men from all walks of life to improve themselves and grow into the men God created them to be.
σα The purpose of our organization shall be to promote Christian fellowship and a close sisterhood among women with high moral standards. 我们将支持所有的校园活动,并对PG电子游戏表示忠诚.
Theta alpha Zeta Theta Alpha Zeta的目的是培养所有种族的兄弟情谊, 宗教, 和背景. 弘扬诚信风尚, 培养个人成长和发展, 鼓励优秀的学术成就.  我们的目标是发展和提高领导技能,并开展有价值的服务项目.  我们还将促进与其他组织成员的互动
Phi Phi Phi 我的旨意是要叫他们心里互相安慰,彼此相爱, so that they may have the full riches and complete understanding in order that they may know they mystery of God, 也就是基督.——歌罗西书2:2
Zeta Omega Phi(动物园) Zeta Omega Phi的宗旨是建立一个以信仰为基础的兄弟会. The goal of our Social Club is to provide a 社区 of men at Hardin Simmons university and provide a safe space for the members to be who they want to be.
证明 To foster the success and development of the African American student population by creating a 社区 that develops a cultural identity and encourages inclusion while upholding the Christian morals and policies of Hardin-Simmons大学.
血液 To foster the success and development of the Latin American student population by creating a 社区 that develops a cultural identity and encourages inclusion while upholding the Christian morals and policies of Hardin-Simmons大学.
国际学生奖学金 The purpose of the 国际学生奖学金 is to create a fellowship of people who are passionate about the international 社区 on the HSU campus.
Phi Alpha (Sigma Beta) Phi Alpha国家荣誉协会的地方分会, the purpose is to provide a closer bond among students and promote humanitarian goals and ideals, 同时在社会工作领域培养高标准的教育.
社会工作社 社会工作社 provides opportunities for student development through engagement in campus, 社区, and professional activities to promote equity and justice for all persons through service, 宣传, 和行动.
Pre-Health俱乐部 The HSU Pre-Health俱乐部 is an organization dedicated to aiding undergraduate students in their pursuit of a career in the health field.
卡帕派艺术荣誉协会 The purpose of Kappa Pi is to promote a friendly artistic atmosphere for everyone involved, 互相鼓励,互相帮助, 作为一个组织,要玩得开心.
Pre-PT 物理前治疗俱乐部的目的是提供指导, 支持, and education to all collegiate students who wish to pursue physical therapy and occupational therapy careers through subject presentations, 示威活动, 客座演讲, 以及社区旅游.
Alpha Phi Omega It is the VISION of Alpha Phi Omega to be recognized as the premier service-based leadership development organization. It is the MISSION of Alpha Phi Omega to prepare campus and 社区 leaders through service. The VALUES of Alpha Phi Omega are to develop leadership, promote friendship and provide service. Alpha Phi Omega的目标是分享、成长、改善和投资.
包 is dedicated to giving a hat to every child battling cancer in America as well as 支持ing nonprofit organizations who lead the fight against pediatric cancer.
圆K 圆K’s vision and purpose is to be the leading global 社区-service organization on college and university campuses that enriches the world one member, 一次一个孩子,一个社区.
HScrU HScrU highlights the integrity of Hip-Hop through Christ to assimilate our diverse communities faith through dance by providing strength and courage to serve positivity and spiritual enlightenment through movement.
猎人,采集者 & 旅行者 The purpose of this organization shall be to provide a tight-knit and encouraging 社区 that promotes a Christ-like lifestyle while appreciating God’s creation through conservation, 旅行, and exploration in the context of America’s National Parks and Hardin-Simmons大学.
艾萨 Endangered Species and Shelter Awareness club promotes student fellowship by raising awareness and funds for endangered species and local shelters.
Alpha Psi Omega  国家戏剧荣誉协会
牛仔乡村(摇摆舞俱乐部) HSU牛仔乡村是一个以舞蹈为中心的交流俱乐部. 我们每周二和周四举办课程,教任何人和所有人如何跳舞. 我们是一个以表演为基础的俱乐部,在校园的不同活动中跳舞和表演.

我们喜欢帮助学生创建组织,提高PG电子官方免费下载的经验. 一旦你查看了当前组织的列表,没有看到任何与你有关的, do not hesitate in reaching out to the 学生参与 office to assist you in creating an organization that goes along with your interests. 这个过程很简单!


  1. 见见科琳·惠特克, 俱乐部和组织协调员, 讨论拟议的学生组织. 请通过电子邮件安排一次会议 科琳.whitaker@secretsilm.com.
  2. 满足开办组织的最低要求:
    1. 6 people (one president, one vice president, one secretary, one treasurer and two members)
    2. 一名指导老师(教职员工). *顾问最多只能担任2组顾问角色.
    3. 宪法
    4. 名单
  3. 填写 学生组织申请 并提交审阅(允许两周的周转时间).
  4. 填写学生组织顾问表格. 给Corinne Whitaker发邮件填写表格.
  5. 创建宪法(学生组织章程模板)及花名册.
  6. Schedule a meeting with Corinne Whitaker for any questions, concerns or considerations by emailing 科琳.whitaker@secretsilm.com. 请在邮件中附上导师表格、章程和花名册.

Below are resources for students who are currently involved in active student organizations. If you need additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to Corinne Whitaker at 科琳.whitaker@secretsilm.com 寻求帮助.


" class="hidden">许昌职业技术学院